Transition Hull Meeting
15th September 2008, Recycling Unlimited, Newland Avenue
Minutes and Action Points
Present: Steve Hall, David Longhorn, Diana Sandy, Martin Deane, Sarah Morris, Lee-Ann Williams, Jenny Parsons, Hilary Byers, Vicky Harvey (with Zita), Joan Lee, Judy Waterman, Lausanne Tranter, Chris King (Minutes)
Agenda Item
Action by
Apologies received
Shan Oakes, Bill Rigby
Minutes of Last Meeting
None to ratify – only video shown.
Matters Arising
CK has produced a promotional poster for the allotment party on Sun 21st.
Actions to be carried forward
As we are still ‘raising awareness’ of the Transition Town concept, SH suggested that we link up with a ‘Freecycle’ event that is happening in the HU7 area.
SO brought up the question of a resource library for relevant material – books, films, etc. SH mentioned Eddie at Recycling Unlimited has said that he would be prepared to host a box / boxes and a loan system could be created for members. DS suggested a box that group members could use to store articles / clippings from newspapers that are relevant. SH suggested that it may be possible to get some used, unwanted box files from East Riding Council.
MD to find out about ‘People and Planet’ representation.
Discussion points
SH noted that the short film ‘The Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil’ was shown at the last meeting. All enjoyed it, and those that could not make it are encouraged to watch it.
DL reminded everyone that the Newland Allotments Party is this Sunday 21st, 2 – 4pm. The entrance to the allotments is on Manvers St. The event is not just the about the allotments, but also about raising awareness of the tree nursery and orchard. MD offered to forward details of the event to everyone on his e-mail list. CK will forward the promotional poster to MD to attach.
In relation to the ‘speed dating’ event, SH noted that to hire a 70 person capacity room at the Community Church on Newland Ave is £25 / hour, or £85 for a half day.
L-AW updated the group on the Friends of the Earth (FoE) conference. There was discussion on how Transition Towns fit with FoE, particularly in light of their up-coming ‘Low Carbon Communities’ initiative. This will be more ‘political’ and closely linked to influencing existing power structures, ie. Councils and MPs. It is hoped that the two initiatives will compliment each other and draw in as many people as possible.
LT suggested that we could use Arthur St. for the ‘speed dating’ event. MD thought that the Spring Bank Community Centre would be a good venue. The group liked Spring Bank. DS proposed that the different groups invited might be offered a display table for a small fee – this would help pay for the event. HB said that FoE should be able to help fund it, but this would have to be ratified at their meeting in the first week of October. JW asked if it is good the event is planned for just after FoE’s Green Fair, as interested people might learn about it there and come along? DS added that was good, but we should be looking at a wider audience, not just ‘green’ groups. SH agreed to ring Spring Bank Community Centre and try and book the event for one Sunday in October.
DS pointed out that we need to concentrate on the core work of the group, whether that be showing films to various groups, getting on with achieving charity status or setting up a formal steering group. DL asked if we need to set targets for ourselves and have a clearer idea of what we are asking people to do? L-AW suggested that we actively go out to visit groups to promote ‘transition’. SH proposed that the next meeting be given over to a ‘backcasting’ session, where we will get everyone to give their ideas of where the group should be going. He asked people to think carefully in the next fortnight about what they want the group to do so they are ready for next time.
L-AW is going to ‘Transition training’ with SO and BR this week in York.
MD said that he can borrow a laptop from ‘Vol-Com’ (?) when necessary, if we need to use one.
HB asked if the group would like a stall at the FoE Green Fair? HB will send an e-mail to SH to formally sign up. HB will also put the date of the ‘speed dating’ event (and our regular meetings) in Hull Eco when it is confirmed.
SM asked if the local press might come to the allotment party on Sunday. L-AW said that she would ring Alison Coggan of the HDM to invite her.
L-AW suggested that we could have the next meeting at Gyroscope – this might help get the social enterprises there involved? LT said that she would find out about it, as she knows people there. We might also get Gyroscope staff to talk to the group about what they are doing and we can do the same, spreading the word a little.
L-AW asked if it should be an open policy to bring food to meetings? The group liked the idea! She also suggested that people should be rung or contacted in some way before meetings to remind them.
SH asked L-AW to show him how to use the Transition Hull Blog
Next meeting
W/C 29th September, exact day TBC – 7-30pm
Venue TBC – possibly Gyroscope?
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
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