Thursday, 30 September 2010

Turning Point - A return to community.

This film takes an inspiring look at our potential to create a life-sustaining society as we face the twin challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change.

It is a powerful film showing innovative and practical ways to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and we have a copy!!

If you would like to come along and watch this inspirational film for free we are now showing it on :-

  • Sunday 10th October 2010
  • 2pm*
  • Boulevard Village Hall

Everyone is welcome, children must be accompanied by an adult.

*(please note revised time)

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Come to the Barn Dance!! Friday 17 Sept, Boulevard.

Transition Hull are hosting a Barn Dance, Friday 17th September at 7pm (rehearsal tonite!! Weds 8th)

This will be at Boulevard Village Hall, Boulevard Hull.

Tickets for this are £3, available by phone and can be collected at the door, and £2 if you bring some homemade food to share!

07816 141169 or 07904 626479.

This is an autumn event put on by Transition Hull.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

‘Heading Towards The Perfect Storm'

‘Heading Towards The Perfect Storm'
– Climate Change, Population Growth and Food Production’

Being unexpectedly offered a place at this important conference for local rural businesses, I took my Hull Transition Towns hat along to Bishop Burton on Tuesday morning to see what was what. 10 excellent presentations later, stimulated, excited and a bit tired, I sit down to to try to digest it all.

What came across mostly was just how enthusistically all were engaging with the challenges that are gaining a growing acceptance – climate change, decline in fossil fuels, economic crises et al.

Food security is the main agenda for everyone and the big challenge for farmers and food producers. But underlying the need for more and better local food is the need to prepare the land, reduce energy needs and alter energy sources, address water fluctuations, cope with the acceptable and reduce the unacceptable waste at all stages of growth, production and distribution.

No relevent topic was left out of the agenda which also dealt with issues around population growth, deforestation, water shortages, the conflicting demands of different states and countries and their global effects.
All were dealt with with enthusiasm for the challenge, a sense of adventure, accurate knowledge, cogent argument and humour.

Small rural businesses and the farming community were perhaps not best pleased to hear from a senior economist that money was going to continue to be tight; adaptation and flexibility were going to be much needed attitudes. For me, though, I was delighted that so much work, research and effort was going into this whole field as a matter of course. These challenges are now being taken for granted as subjects with which we are all going to have to engage from here on in.

A flier for another conference in the south later in the year reads:
‘Transition Towns need Transition Farms’
That says it for me.

Monday, 9 November 2009

It's official! Hull is now a Transition Initiative

Hull is now a Transition Town Initiative

"And to all of you - all around the world! - t
hanks so much for strengthening our growing network with your community initiative. This new set of "official" initiatives is truly wonderful - so many great people, so much excellent work already underway. We're constantly amazed at the people who are stepping up into the core groups - reading through the biographies is a truly humbling - and inspiring - experience. Y'know, mebbe we really are going to succeed in creating this ambitious future we've all chosen to pursue."

- Rob Hopkins and Ben Brangwyn

Monday, 12 October 2009

Hull Transition Open meetings

Transition Hull

Open meeting, every second Monday at The Eagle, Anlaby Road.
Monday 8th February 7.30pm , the Eagle (side room).